Special Activities

NTHCC provides several opportunities for the church family to get together outside of more formal settings to participate in various activities and to simply enjoy each other's company. There are activities for children, youth, adults, and the entire church family.

Movie Night
Movie Night One Sunday evening each month (usually the 4th Sunday), NTHCC holds a movie night featuring finger food and a family-friendly movie. The next Movie Night will be on 2/23/2025.
Game Night
Game Night Once a year NTHCC holds a game night for youth and adults. The next Game Night will be on 3/22/2025.
Lock-In A couple of times a year NTHCC holds a "lock-in" for the children (4-6 hours) and another for the youth (over-night).
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt NTHCC holds an Easter Egg Hunt for the children and youth on Easter Sunday. The next Egg Hunt will be on 4/20/2025.
End of School Bash
End of School Bash At the end of the school year there is a party for the youth. The next Bash will be on 5/31/2025.
Car Show & Ice Cream Social
Car Show & Ice Cream Social In June, the men of the church sponsor a car show and ice cream social. The next Car Show will be on 6/21/2025.
Camp Illiana
Camp Illiana On Labor Day weekend, NTHCC sponsors a family camp/retreat at Camp Illiana.
Picnic Once a year the church family gathers in a local park after Sunday-morning services for a pitch-in picnic and time of fellowship. The next Picnic will be on 9/7/2025.
Yard Sale
Yard Sale During the Parke County Covered Bridge Festival in October, a yard sale is held in the Firehouse. The proceeds are used to support the children & youth minitries. The next Yard Sale will be on 10/10/2025 to 10/12/2025.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving Dinner On a Sunday in November, the church family meets in the Fellowship Hall following the morning worship service to celebrate Thanksgiving by enjoying a carry-in dinner. The next Thanksgiving Dinner will be on 11/16/2025.